How I helped my son go from sick to super strong in 2 simple steps!
I remember the hopeless feeling, the sleepless nights, and my heart breaking every time my little man would come down with illness. J was about four months old then and I did not care how much it would cost, if I could just find something that would make a difference. No matter how many off the shelf & over-the-counter products I tried, none of them seemed to make a permanent difference in my baby boy's health.
And today, I cannot describe the relief and joy I feel seeing J running around, going to pre-school, being around his friends(who might sneeze on him at any moment as kids do), and not having to worry that he might catch a cold or something worse. So, I decided to share the one thing that has made such a massive difference for me as a once tired and worried parent to another(yes, you mommy or daddy!), and that is why I am writing this post today...
Becoming pregnant in 2017 with our first, after years of infertility; was the biggest blessing of my life. J was born healthy and strong at 3.9kg.
At 2 months old Mr. J had the most amazing caregivers at his daycare and was thriving. But then he started to fall ill within his first month out of our home. I wasn't concerned because he was mostly at home before this and his immune system needed time and exposure to the outside world to become strong. I knew this...
The first few times of illness were not unexpected and I would take off from work happily to take care of my beautiful boy. But then he came down with flu-like symptoms, ear infections and fevers ranging between 38° to 40° Celsius almost every 2 weeks. He would barely recover before the next round would start.
Illness seemed to come more and more frequently and take hold of him stronger every time. By the time J was 9 months old, he was admitted to the hospital for a week, and to this day(and so many tests later!) we are still not sure what virus or infection landed us up in the pediatric ward.
Up to this point, he had also been on 4 or 5 rounds of antibiotics(I couldn't keep count) in his short little life. He was not even a year old!
I felt so hopeless and frustrated. We were giving him everything our pediatrician suggested to boost his immune system and yet nothing seemed to help. I could not look my employer in the eyes anymore when needing to ask for leave to take care of my little boy.
A collogue and close friend had mentioned a product to me a few times before, and although I shrugged it off to yet another thing that was not going to make a difference, I decided to give it a try out of pure desperation. I ordered the products online and started J on it as soon as it arrived.
Within the first month of using these two products, I could see that even though Jaden was still getting ill, his symptoms were definitely getting less severe. And by month two, he no longer had fevers accompanying his symptoms. At the same time, the stretches of "healthy" time were becoming longer. By month three we had a little boy who was himself, even when he did have a little cough or runny nose. Playing, eating and drinking even while showing symptoms of a flu or ear infection.
Six months in using Mannatech, J was hardly getting ill anymore. And today, 18 months since Jaden started taking these the products, he hasn't been to a pediatrician or GP in over 12 months!
These products are from the Mannatech range and like thousands of other dietary supplements; claim to support your body in your wellness journey. And in what Mannatech promised, I found to be TRUE!
Did you know that the world we live in today is very different from ten years ago(even just 5 years ago). The water is different, the food is different, the air is different. The amount of fruit and vegetable servings we need to consume daily is becoming higher and higher because the food is not as nutritious as it might have been and the pollution, viruses and bacteria our bodies need to fight today are in much higher quantities and stronger than ever before.
So here are the steps I follow using Mannatech for my son.
Step 1.
I give J one chewable Immunostart twice a day. He loves it! This supports his immune system and keeps him strong against any nasty virus or bacterial infections. If Jaden comes home and has signs of a runny nose or little cough, I bump his Immunostart up to 3 or 4 a day(spread evenly through the day) for two days and the symptoms disappear within a day or two.
And he has not missed a single day of pre-school!
Step 2.
Nutriverus comes in powder form and I give J half-a-scoop, mixed with juice or yogurt in the morning. I see this as his multi-vitamin daily. Again, if he does show any signs of illness, I will give him an additional Nutriverus in the afternoon(same dosage as morning) for two days.
It usually doesn't take any longer than a day or two for any symptom to clear up when I use Mannatech.
Who is Mannatech?
Well, I'll give you just the short version. But you can read more here.
Mannatech has developed Glyconutrition technology which provides targeted nourishment for your body's cells through ingredients that are derived from plants. The cells in your body can do amazing things when they are provided with the correct and sufficient nourishment which helps those cells communicate with each other.
The majority of their products have been certified by the NSF, and they invest in research and product development. They offer a 90day money-back guarantee in South Africa and a 180day in the US. This means that you can test the products, as I did, and get your money back if you don't feel that it is the right fit for you.
Although the company offers a business opportunity, you have no obligation to join as an associate and can simply sign in as a customer and enjoy the benefits of their products as I have.
If you are reading this article, I am pretty sure that you are feeling the way I did almost 2 years ago and I want to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I truly hope that you will see the light at the end of that dark tunnel you are in right now. It can get better!